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Motion Sickness

Motion Sickness is a condition of nausea caused by erratic or rhythmic motions experienced when travelling (e.g. by car, plane, boat, train).
Motion Sickness is thought to be caused by an irritation to the inner ear. Motion Sickness can result in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headache. Constant movement, poor ventilation (e.g. fumes, smoke and carbon dioxide) and emotional factors (e.g. fear and anxiety), may trigger or worsen an attack of Motion Sickness. The symptoms usually stop immediately after the movement ceases.
As with all conditions your Doctor should be consulted to diagnose and treat this condition. Ask your Doctor about the latest advice on this ailment. Your ears might be examined for a possible blockage, which may be contributing to the symptoms of Motion Sickness. Anti-nausea drugs may be prescribed.
• Avoid heavy red meats and fried foods. Milk and dairy products may aggravate Motion Sickness in some people.
• Ginger is a herb, which may help to relieve and prevent Motion Sickness.
• It is very important to have small amounts of fluids, regularly, when travelling. This is especially important when travelling long distances in air conditioning, which can cause bodily fluids to dry up more quickly (dehydration).
• Avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol, which can have a dehydrating effect on the body. A lack of fluids may induce a headache and/or nausea.
• Whole grains and wheat germ are good sources of vitamin B6, which may help to prevent nausea.
The following guidelines may help to prevent Motion Sickness:
• Avoid reading while in motion.
• Encourage the person to sit in an area where there is least movement (as close to the middle of the vehicle as possible).
• To improve ventilation, travel with a window open and avoid exposure to cigarette smoke in the vehicle.
• Face forward while travelling. If travelling on a boat, look just above the horizon as much as possible and avoid focusing on waves or other moving objects.
• Ask your MedAux Pharmacist for advice about medication that can be taken prior to travelling to help prevent Motion Sickness.
• Do not eat a large meal before travelling.
Nutritional supplements are only to be used if dietary intake is inadequate.
• Ginger is considered a powerful remedy for motion sickness as can help prevent cold sweats, vomiting. The anti-nausea action of ginger can prevent dizziness, a symptom often associated with motion sickness.
• Peppermint can help relieve nausea, which can be associated with motion sickness.
• Vitamin B6 can assist in prevention of nausea.
• Magnesium may prevent stomach acidity and cramping.
• Ginkgo biloba can be used to prevent chronic motion sickness.
Ask your MedAux Pharmacist for advice.
1. Follow the Diet Hints.
2. Consider some nutritional supplements if the diet is inadequate.